Sunday, August 25, 2013

Packing Up My U-Haul

Packing Up My U-haul

"In the end the love you take is equal
to the love you make" 
  The End, Paul McCartney

 While giving a reading a few weeks ago, I listened as a client reminisced about her father. She recalled how he would frequently explain his philosophy of life by simply imparting the time-worn adage,  "You don't see a u-haul following a hearse." The rather comical image of a hearse towing a u-haul lead me to question, if I could take something with me, what would I take and what would I leave behind? It was not long before I concluded that my imagined u-haul held nothing from the physical realm. Love was the substance of value I would carry with me and my expression of love was the tool with which I would leave my mark.
Imagine a world where the most precious commodity is not gold, silver, oil or coal but love. How would we conduct our lives if we knew that we could only "take" with us the love conceived through our actions and our thoughts?  Suppose the earthly assignment of our souls is to ensure that our physical chemistry will be composed of the elements of love, kindness, and harmony as well as oxygen, carbon and nitrogen.
Through my work I am granted a glimpse of the unique light that resides within all my clients. The core essence of each individual shines through as an expression of beauty and grace no matter how blind they are to it. What blocks the awareness  of this exquisite light is an attachment to unrealistic standards measured by a flawed yardstick. The measuring device is often composed of criteria rooted in the physical world.
Do you believe that you missed out on success because you are not rich or beautiful by today's standards? Do berate yourself as you reflect on what you should have accomplished, achieved or created? Imagine that life is a stage furnished with various props and set designs. It is on this ephemeral stage we express our gifts and learn our lessons. Ultimately, it will be of little consequence where we live, the fortunes we have amassed, what school we graduate from or how many honors have been bestowed upon us.  What will matter most is the harvest of love we have engendered while occupying our unique space on the planet.
How would we live our lives if what multiplied our worth was the action of love rather than the accumulation of wealth or the strength of our might? Decide to practice the art of love. Instill your thoughts with kindness. Breathe and be patient.  Return again and again to that imaginary u-haul and fill it with the brilliance of your unique light of love.

Love and light,

I am an illumination of light, my love shines.

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